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Display your sustainability content on NBS Source

19 June 2023 | By Dr Stephen Hamil

Specifiers want to know the sustainability credentials of your products as part of their decision making process. Display your Environmental Product Declarations and other third-party certifications on NBS Source.


Earlier this year, we published the What Specifiers Want Report, which included the views of almost 600 architects and other specifiers on a range of topics, including sustainability, product data and where they find products to include in their projects. 

One of the report’s key findings was that making sustainability data accessible to specifiers is crucial for manufacturers. Our research found that 86% of specifiers are more likely to specify products that have clear embodied carbon information that is backed up by an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certificate.

At NBS we are now refreshing all the embodied carbon information across NBS Source to ensure that it’s measurable across the A1-A3 stage as defined in EPDs, and for the units of measurement to be clearly shown.

NBS Innovation Director, Dr Stephen Hamil, explains more in the video below.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to adding your sustainability credentials to your NBS Source profile

The NBS Partner Platform is the backend system which allows Source customers manage their profile and associated certifications, case studies and other literature. Using the Partner Platform, you can upload your EPD certificates as a third-party certificate, within the ‘Supporting Documents’ area, as shown below. 

Upload your EPD certificates

The next step is to associate your product in NBS Source with the relevant EPD certificate.

 Associate the EPD with the correct product

Finally, enter the relevant information, such as the product’s embodied carbon into the associated fields, which can be found in the general tab of the product data entry area. As shown in Figure 3 below, it is essential that the correct unit is selected.

Enter the embodied carbon value with the correct unit

We’re currently working on new features to help specifiers filter products more effectively by specifying the range of embodied carbon or recycled content that is relevant to their needs. Where a product does not have this information, it will be excluded from the filtered results. 

Here’s a mock-up of how that might look in NBS Source.

Filtering based on sustainability credentials

Find out more

Want to find out more about sustainability in the construction industry? Take a look at our full list of resources here. If you’re an NBS Source customer and would like some more help to upload your information, please contact your account manager.

If you’re a construction product manufacturer and your products aren’t currently listed on NBS Source, book a demo to find out how you can get your products in front of specifiers in the right place, at the right time and in the right format. 

Book a demo

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