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Design and Specification  |  RIBA CPD

CPD for architects in the UK has increased in importance and rigour

17 April 2024 | By NBS

Both the professional chartered body for architects in the UK – RIBA – and the regulatory body – The Architects Registration Board – have upped their CPD requirements. This is partially in response to societal, legislative, regulatory and competence changes in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, and the climate crisis.

Who is who? RIBA is the professional chartered body for architects. The ARB (Architects Registration Board) is the Government regulatory body for the registration of architects in the UK. Architects in the UK must be registered with the ARB to be able to use the title. Both ARB and RIBA have codes of conduct spelling out expected behaviours, including competence and the requirement to do CPD.

As a professional body, we support members to maintain competence and professionalism especially after the Grenfell Tower fire and in the face of the climate crisis. As a chartered body, we ensure that chartered members maintain competence by way of CPD and proof of CPD. Chartered bodies like us re-evaluate members on a regular basis to ensure continued competency

RIBA members are now required to provide a written reflection following each CPD, moving away from allocating between 1 and 4 points. This means the points system – previously a reflection tool for members CPD learning, will no longer be used and therefore RIBA approved CPDs will not be worth double points. However, this change will mean architects will have to provide a written reflection on each activity, and therefore CPD becomes more meaningful.

  • Undertake CPD, with the expectation that we will audit compliance
  • Attain at least 35 hours per year, with 20 of those hours from the 10 mandatory core curriculum topics (2 x 10 per year)
  • Attain at least half through structured CPD, such as the RIBA CPD Providers Network
  • Track their CPD activities on RIBA’s CPD recording platform.
  • Continue auditing compliance, with suspensions for those who do not supply a record

Remember, points are no longer required or featured.

Regarding the ARB, registered architects must ensure that they are competent to practise. This is now cemented by more stringent requirements in the wake of the Hackitt Enquiry. This means that ARB now also expects registrants to carry out and reflect on CPD. ARB is accepting RIBA CPD records as evidence in their upcoming CPD compliance checks. Here’s some more information on the ARB’s plan for CPD.

As a result of all this, all architects – not just RIBA members - are now required to complete CPD and therefore content in the RIBA CPD Providers Network becomes even more important and visible.

On another note, keep a look out for streamlined and easier to understand CPD submission and content requirements, which places the focus on information on product performance and safety. We are also excited to be working on a new portal for submitting your CPD content to RIBA for assessment. We’ll tell you a bit more about this at the upcoming CPD Forum, with the switch over coming later this year.

The changes will bring your NBS products together in one platform, offering efficiencies, better intelligence, speed, and ease of use.

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