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The Specification Marketing Cycle

31 October 2024 | By NBS

A free downloadable tool to help plan and make the most of your construction marketing activities.

The specification marketing cycle

Plan your marketing with NBS 

To help you as construction product manufacturers plan your marketing activities and raise awareness of your products across the construction timeline; we've designed the Specification Marketing Cycle. Use this tool to help you visualise the specification process and assess what marketing tactics are best to use and where. 

The Specification Marketing Cycle shows the steps people go through when specifying products. We've designed it around the typical sales pipeline for manufacturers on the route to specification. Use the tool to help plan out marketing activities that deliver everything specifiers need to find, select, and specify your products.

The cycle begins with creating awareness of your business and its products and ends with re-engaging specifiers for future projects. The cycle follows every step to take to get your products specified - and for them to then stay in the specification during the building phase.

Use this free resource to understand a wide range of marketing tools and how you can use them most effectively to drive specifications through the design and construction process.

Start building your marketing strategy and planning your marketing activity with the NBS Specification Marketing Cycle - download now.

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